On The road to your next adventure

New & Used RV loans

New & Used Loans

A great fit for you if you’re looking for

Competitive rates based on your individual credit score and payment history.
The same rate no matter the age, condition, or value of the RV you want.
12-year loan term on approved credit.
Financial guidance on the best fit RV for you and your family.

Every single one of our members is eligible to apply for the New/Used RV Loan either online or working directly with one of our experienced Loan Officers at the credit union.  We offer competitive rates and terms that fit our members’ lives and budgets, while staying within the 12-year maximum term designed to make sure your equity holds up over the duration of the loan. 

We make approval decisions on our close relationships with our members, our understanding of what has impacted their credit scores over the years, and our trust in their ability and commitment to making payments.  At Vocal, we believe those relationships mean more than a cut-and-dry criteria required at big banks.

The exact rates and terms for the New/Used RV Loan are always based on the credit score and history of individual members – NOT solely on the value of the RV they want to buy.  We don’t want to punish you based on the age or condition of the RV you’ve selected, we want you to get exactly what you need for your life, your family, and your adventure goals!  The rate for your New/Used RV loan from Vocal will always be the exact same – whether you’re buying a pop-up tent trailer or a full-sized luxury motor home!

Another Vocal difference is our focus on helping members make longer-term life purchases.  We know our members well enough to have a feel for how they’re going to use their RV,  from weekend hunting trips to several-month road trips to celebrate retirement.  We don’t want to over-extend members with a higher payment than they need, but also want to consider how well equity and value hold up over time. That’s why we take the time to ask questions about what you’re looking at, and to offer guidance and financial education on a best-fit purchase. We take that extra time to make sure the RV you’re looking at will work for your family size, your lifestyle, and your price point – now and in the future.

Personal Loans

Home loans

Auto loans

Consider this

At Vocal, we know one of the best parts of living in Montana is the number of beautiful places to explore and fun things to do right outside our doors.  That’s why we offer a New/Used RV Loan that gets our members on the road to their next adventure!

Contact us for more information, by clicking here.

Fixed Rate As Low As 6.24% APR* Up To 72 Months (This is our rate for new and used vehicles too!)

*Annual Percentage Rate. On Approved Credit. Rates are subject to change without notice.

New & Used RV Loan

Apply for this loan today!

If that all sounds good to you, apply online or call us today to make an appointment with one of our knowledgeable Loan Officers. We could get you in the vehicle that fits your life within 24 hours of filling out an application, so you can get to where you need to be.

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